REG Architects, Inc.
Architecture, Interiors, & Planning
LIC. #AA0002447

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1916 County Courthouse, The Richard and Pat Johnson History Museum

West Palm Beach, Florida

Design emphasis was placed on the preservation and documentation of all original interior and exterior features as well as salvage of historic materials from later additions for reuse during the restoration process. Throughout the design process, strict adherence to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation were observed to facilitate the building being returned to its original 1916 exterior appearance as well as the restoration of the major public interior spaces, including corridors and courtroom. The Richard and Pat Johnson Palm Beach County History Museum and office space for the Historic Society of Palm Beach County was included in the design.

Client: Palm Beach County
Type: Historic, Civic, Interior, Planning
Cost: 18M
Project Size: 38,000 sq.ft.
Year: 2008

1916 County Courthouse, The Richard and Pat Johnson History Museum

West Palm Beach, Florida

Design emphasis was placed on the preservation and documentation of all original interior and exterior features as well as salvage of historic materials from later additions for reuse during the restoration process. Throughout the design process, strict adherence to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation were observed to facilitate the building being returned to its original 1916 exterior appearance as well as the restoration of the major public interior spaces, including corridors and courtroom. The Richard and Pat Johnson Palm Beach County History Museum and office space for the Historic Society of Palm Beach County was included in the design.

Client: Palm Beach County
Type: Historic, Civic, Interior, Planning
Cost: 18M
Project Size: 38,000 sq.ft.
Year: 2008


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